Upgrading PostgreSQL on Docker Compose

I took the dive into Docker Containers on Linux. I’ve been meaning to do this for quite some time, but really my specialty of ColdFusion and Microsoft SQL Server really doesn’t require much in the way of containers.

However, my current project is to convert our internal wiki from WikiPedia to Wiki.js. During this process, I’ve learned about Docker and Docker Compose. I’m currently running Docker 20.10.12 and Docker compose V2. So I use “docker compose” rather than “docker-compose”. This is being run on Amazon Linux 2, on-premise. These steps should work for any RHEL-based Linux distro and beyond.

During this process, I somehow ended up running PostgreSQL 11 when the latest version is 14. I already had data in the database, so I thought it’d just be best to learn how to upgrade PostgreSQL, which is not as simple as changing the version number in the docker-compose.yml config file.

Thank you to José Postiga with Better Programming for getting started with the “How to Upgrade Your PostgreSQL Version Using Docker” blog post. I was able to accomplish the upgrade with some modifications.

To upgrade PostgreSQL from 11 to 14 (other versions seem to require the same steps), these general steps must be accomplished:

  1. Create a temporary folder for the database backup and share it with your PostgreSQL container instance
  2. Backup the database
  3. Shutdown the database container
  4. Remove the database data
  5. Change the PostgreSQL version
  6. Change password encryption
  7. Start the database container
  8. Restore the database
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